Guarantees and Implementation
Guarantees and Implementation

Value-added guarantee
Our technology and auction methods create significant added value compared to conventional tenders.
Therefore we have achieved more than 40% effective savings for all our clients and are able to calculate our fees solely on the basis of this added value.
This means that we do not claim a fee for the part of the performance/savings that you could at best also achieve with conventional methods; only for our performance/savings beyond this we do charge a fee share.
Profitability guarantee
Since our fee is always part of the resiliently calculated savings, you are guaranteed cost-effectiveness.
The return on investment for you is usually several hundred percent and the payback period is significantly less than 12 months.
Sustainability guarantee
A tariff-option layout calculated by us is not cost-sensitive with regard to ordinary fluctuations in usage; in particular, so-called "bill shocks" are excluded in this context. This eliminates the need for continuous monitoring of usage and cost behaviour.
Our sustainability guarantee ensures an additional long-term safeguarding of profitability. The sustainability guarantee means that we will carry out a recalculation of the savings after a certain period of time and refund our fee in the event of any deviations that are disadvantageous for you.
In order for a tender/auction to make sense, a change of supplier must not be fundamentally excluded. Therefore, the purchasing project should be started about six to twelve months before the planned start of the new contract.
Notwithstanding this, due to our high degree of automation and the very high efficiency of our auction designs, almost all the effort that you would have to incur when conducting a conventional tender is eliminated.
This is because our technology takes over all the tasks of data collection and analytics as well as bid evaluation. In addition, our auction designs eliminate the need for vendor workshops, repeated rounds of negotiations and unnecessary discussions.

Due to our technological ability to generate country-specific tariff-relevant knowledge within a very short time and to process country-specific data formats, we are able to provide our services multinationally.
Accordingly, we have references in numerous European countries as well as the USA.